SKT X Mobetterworks Collaboration — F.Y.i: For Your iPHONE Campaign
SKT 0(Young)은 1020 고객 전용 모바일 서비스를 제공하는 브랜드입니다. 매해 아이폰 출시 캠페인을 진행해온 SKT 0은 아이폰 13 출시에 맞춰 새롭고 신선한 캠페인을 선보이고자 했습니다. 모베러웍스는 ‘F.Y.i: For Your iPhone’이라는 슬로건을 개발, 캠페인 전략과 실행방안을 기획했습니다.
SKT 0(Young) is a brand that provides mobile services exclusively to customers of age 10-20. The brand has been running a campaign for the new iPhone launch every year. This year, SKT 0 wished to do something fun and refreshing for the release of the new iPhone 13. Mobetterworks came up with the slogan ‘F.Y.I: For Your iPhone’ and developed and implemented a campaign strategy for the campaign.
SKT 0(Young) is a brand that provides mobile services exclusively to customers of age 10-20. The brand has been running a campaign for the new iPhone launch every year. This year, SKT 0 wished to do something fun and refreshing for the release of the new iPhone 13. Mobetterworks came up with the slogan ‘F.Y.I: For Your iPhone’ and developed and implemented a campaign strategy for the campaign.
Partner. SKT 0
December 2021
December 2021
Number of<Find Your i> Posts
Number of <Memoti-Contest>Participants

SKT 0은 아이폰 13 출시를 기념하여 고객들에게 친근하게 브랜드 서비스를 알리는 캠페인을 진행하고자 했습니다. 모베러웍스는 무형의 서비스를 제공하는 SKT 0의 특성을 고려하여, 고객들이 직접 브랜드의 메시지를 체험할 수 있는 경험 중심의 캠페인을 기획했습니다.
SKT 0 planned a campaign that promotes the launch of the new iPhone 13. In contrast to the brand’s intangible nature, Mobetterworks hosted a campaign where customers could touch and feel, tangibly experience the brand’s products. ‘F.Y.i’ (For Your iPhone) is an alteration to the acronym commonly used in the office: ‘F.Y.I’(For Your Information). It is a campaign that helps people realize themselves - their identity with the new iPhone 13. F.Y.i campaign encourages users to embrace and strengthen their own self and connect with others.

일하는 사람들이 자주 쓰는 약어 ‘F.Y.I(For Your Information, 참고하세요)’를 변주한
‘F.Y.i(For Your iphone)’ 캠페인은 iphone 13을 통해 자신만의 identity를 찾는 캠페인입니다. F.Y.i 캠페인은 1020 고객들이 자신만의 i를 드러내고, 다른 i들과 관계를 맺으며 고유한 i를 만드는 경험으로 확장하며 전개되었습니다.
📱‘F.Y.i’ (For Your iPhone) is an alteration to the acronym commonly used in the office 💡‘F.Y.I’(For Your Information). It is a campaign that helps people realize themselves - their identity with the new iPhone 13. F.Y.i campaign encourages users to embrace and strengthen 👀 their own self and 🤝 connect with others.
📱‘F.Y.i’ (For Your iPhone) is an alteration to the acronym commonly used in the office 💡‘F.Y.I’(For Your Information). It is a campaign that helps people realize themselves - their identity with the new iPhone 13. F.Y.i campaign encourages users to embrace and strengthen 👀 their own self and 🤝 connect with others.

모베러웍스는 유튜브 채널 ‘MoTV’를 통해 모쨍이 216명의 남다른 아이디어를 응모받아 ‘쓸고퀄-쓸데 없지만 갖고 싶은 고퀄리티 제품’ 3종을 제작하였습니다. 모쨍이들은 자신만의 아이덴티티를 담은 아이디어를 자유롭게 펼쳤습니다.
Mobetteworks received 👤216 unique and creative ideas from its 📺Youtube channel subscribers ‘Mozzeng-e’ and created 💡three types of products that are not quite useful but very well made.
아이폰의 미모티콘 기능을 사용하여 가장 친한 친구의 아이덴티티를 만드는 ‘미모티콘테스트’를 열었습니다. i들은 친구의 아이덴티티가 담긴 미모티콘을 만들었고, 다음 타자를 지목하여 콘테스트를 확장 시켰습니다. 응모된 미모티콘은 13명의 콘테스트 당첨자가 친구와 함께 나눌 수 있도록 세상에 하나뿐인 미모티콘 키트로 제작되었습니다.
😎‘Memoji Contest’ using the new iPhone’s memoji feature was held for visitors to enjoy. The users expanded the contest by continuously choosing 👨🎤the next user. Memojis which were submitted to a contest was developed into a one and 🎁only memoji gift set that users can share with their friends.
😎‘Memoji Contest’ using the new iPhone’s memoji feature was held for visitors to enjoy. The users expanded the contest by continuously choosing 👨🎤the next user. Memojis which were submitted to a contest was developed into a one and 🎁only memoji gift set that users can share with their friends.

‘세상에서 가장 유쾌한 사무실 F.Y.i OFFICE’ 컨셉의 팝업 스토어가 2주간 홍대 T팩토리에서 열렸습니다. F.Y.i OFFICE에서 방문객은 인턴이 되어 각자의 취향대로 휴대폰 악세사리를 꾸미로 나만의 i를 만드는 인턴십 프로그램을 수행했습니다. F.Y.i OFFICE에서는 캠페인의 진행 과정을 살펴볼 수 있도록 쓸고퀄 제품, 캠페인 한정판 굿즈 등도 함께 판매되었습니다.
🏢‘Most Fun Office F.Y.i OFFICE’ pop-up retail opened in T Factory in Hongdae for 2 weeks. The visitors became the 🧑💼‘interns’ at the ‘F.Y.i OFFICE’ and experienced the special internship programs, customizing their own 📱mobile phones. Various merchandise were also sold at the retail.
🏢‘Most Fun Office F.Y.i OFFICE’ pop-up retail opened in T Factory in Hongdae for 2 weeks. The visitors became the 🧑💼‘interns’ at the ‘F.Y.i OFFICE’ and experienced the special internship programs, customizing their own 📱mobile phones. Various merchandise were also sold at the retail.
Mobetterworks, Campaign, Collaboration, Contents, Package, Product, Slogan, Strategy
Mobills-Group | Mobetterworks | MoTV
5F, 49, Seongsui-ro 20-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
서울시 성동구 성수이로20길 49 5층, 04787
+82 70 8844 0204
Mobills-Group | Mobetterworks | MoTV
5F, 49, Seongsui-ro 20-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
서울시 성동구 성수이로20길 49 5층, 04787
+82 70 8844 0204