BDNS Brand Identity & Character Development
코미디언 문상훈이 운영하고 57만 구독자를 보유한 유튜브 채널 BDNS(빠더너스)의 브랜드 아이덴티티 디자인과 캐릭터 디자인을 진행했습니다. 캐릭터는 네이버 실시간 급상승 검색어로 화제가 된 '치즈뚱볼', '빠겟도그' 등의 제품에 활용되었습니다.
Mobills Group designed the brand identity and developed a brand character for the Youtube channel BDNS, which features comedian Moon Sang-Hoon. The character design was featured in the brand’s products Cheese Fat-ball and Baguette Dogs.
Mobills Group designed the brand identity and developed a brand character for the Youtube channel BDNS, which features comedian Moon Sang-Hoon. The character design was featured in the brand’s products Cheese Fat-ball and Baguette Dogs.
Partner. BDNS Team
Febrary 2020,
September 2021
Febrary 2020,
September 2021
Current Subscribers after branding (Before Branding: 22K)
minute, Collaborationproducts sold out

2021년 9월, “Brother Hood”라는 언어유희로 각 브랜드의 마스코트인 모조와 문땡이의 형재애를 표현하는 콜라보를 진행했습니다. 제품은 BDNS 채널의 [홈비디오] 주식회사 BDNS 디자이너 면접 편을 통해 공개되었고 출시 2분 만에 전량 품절되었습니다.
In September 2021, Mobills Group’s very own Mojo and BDNS’s character ‘Moonddaeng-i’ came together for the project “Brother Hood”. Products developed in the project were released through the videos uploaded on the BDNS channel and were sold out within 2 minutes of their release.

Mobetterworks, Brand Identities, Character, Collaboration, Contents, Product, Naming
Mobills-Group | Mobetterworks | MoTV
5F, 49, Seongsui-ro 20-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
서울시 성동구 성수이로20길 49 5층, 04787
+82 70 8844 0204
Mobills-Group | Mobetterworks | MoTV
5F, 49, Seongsui-ro 20-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
서울시 성동구 성수이로20길 49 5층, 04787
+82 70 8844 0204