Google Play Indie Game Festival 2020 — Gamer Kit Design
구글 플레이는 매년 인디 게이머들을 위한 페스티벌을 개최합니다. 언택트로 진행된 2020년 인디 게임 페스티벌에 참여한 참가자들을 위해 특별한 기프트 패키지를 기획/디자인/제작했습니다.
Google Play holds a special festival for Indie game makers and gamers every year. Mobills Group designed a special gift package for people participating in the 2020 online Indie Games Festival due to the outbreak of COVID-19.
Google Play holds a special festival for Indie game makers and gamers every year. Mobills Group designed a special gift package for people participating in the 2020 online Indie Games Festival due to the outbreak of COVID-19.
Partner. Google [Elly Ham]
July 2020
July 2020
Package, Product, StrategyCONTACT@MOBILLS-GROUP.COM
Mobills-Group | Mobetterworks | MoTV
5F, 49, Seongsui-ro 20-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
서울시 성동구 성수이로20길 49 5층, 04787
+82 70 8844 0204
Mobills-Group | Mobetterworks | MoTV
5F, 49, Seongsui-ro 20-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
서울시 성동구 성수이로20길 49 5층, 04787
+82 70 8844 0204